Paul Cadden says of his hyperrealistic drawings – “At the heart of my work is the mystery of identity, our place in the landscape and how we can connect to one another.”
The 50 year old Scottish artist has been drawing seriously since he was a child growing up in Glasgow. He studied Print Design and Illustration at the College of Building and Printing in Glasgow and later studied Animation at James Watt College.
Each of the astounding images can take up to 6 weeks to create, such is the detail and intricacy used by Cadden to his give pencil drawings their hyperreal finish.
Paul Cadden’s pencil drawings looks like a photograph from a black and white camera. However seeing the originals up close reveals the extent of the drawing details in these drawings.
Cadden says hyperrealism is not just about creating something that looks real, it’s creating something that has so much intensity that it takes the drawing into a dimension beyond real. It is in fact a new reality. “Intensify the normal.”
Cadden has had exhibitions of his pencil drawings around the globe and each piece sells for up to £15,000 (US$25,000).
Here are our Top 10 Hyperreal Pencil Drawings by Paul Cadden