Designer handbags are not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill handbags. No, these are serious fashion statements that are superbly crafted from the finest materials and designed by the world’s best designers. In some cases these handbags will actually appreciate in value as...
Read moreIn today’s disposable world there is often less emphasis on the quality of the everyday implements we use than perhaps there was in the past. Heck, we can get six pretty nice wine glasses for not much more than a...
Read moreCute animals? Yes, the world is full of cuteness and it’s not always the babies or the soft and furry little creatures that hit our cuteness radar (but mostly it is). We think cute animals give us a lift and...
Read moreFrom early in recorded history, and in all likelihood back into pre-history, speeches have been used to stir masses of people to take a certain direction, to back a particular proposal or simply to adopt a mindset. Great movie speeches...
Read moreThe Stone Age is a period of prehistoric time that spans more than 3 millions years, ending with the transition to the Bronze Age at around 3,500-4,000 BC. Homo sapiens (us) lived through the Stone Age along with genetic cousins...
Read moreThe world has such varied weather. There are very dry deserts, temperate climates with some rain and places where it tends to drizzle a lot. Then there are the places where it really, really buckets down. Just to be clear,...
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